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title: Javier Perez Sandoval
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role: Incoming British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
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- name: University of Oxford url: https://www.ox.ac.uk/
Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts)
bio: My research interests include regime change, subnational politics and Latin America.
Interests to show in About widget
- Regime Change
- Subnational Politics
- Latin America
- Economic Development
Education to show in About widget
education: courses:
- course: DPhil in Politics institution: University of Oxford year: 2021
- course: MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government) institution: University of Oxford year: 2009
- course: BA in Political Science and Public Administration institution: Universidad Iberoamericana (CDMX) year: 2013
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Currently, I am a Visiting Fellow at the Kellogg Institute (University of Notre Dame), and as of January 2024, I will join the DPIR as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow.
I am DPhil in Politics graduate. A DPIR and Wolfson College alumnus. Before the DPhil, I completed a Master in Comparative Government also at Wolfson, and before coming to Oxford, I worked as a Junior Financial Manager at the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. I earned my BA in Politics and Public Administration from Universidad Iberoamericana and I also earned a Research Methods Diploma from UNAM, both back in Mexico City.
I am passionate about regime change, subnational politics, presidentialism, and the dynamics linking socio-economic development and politics. My research aims to increase our understanding of subnational regime variation across Latin America and beyond.
Methods wise I’m an advocate for ‘theory-grounded eclecticism’. I strongly believe that quantitative literacy is fundamental and that at the core of every useful model lies robust historical and case-specific knowledge. In learning and teaching CHA and ‘metrics, I encourage a hands-on and problem solving approach.
-At Oxford I work as a statistics GTA and I also teach the Latin American Politics tutorial to undergrads at the university. In the UK I’ve also worked as an Associate Lecturer at Brookes University for a similar course.
I have a broad interest for the politics of the ‘developing world’ and a keen interest in Latin America, specifically in Argentinian, Brazilian and Mexican political dynamics.
I enjoy working out, swimming and long walks. I’m also a Stacraft 2 fan, and a sci-fi, coffee and cinema aficionado.